About Us

B.LIST started out as a single logo inspired by the 90’s hip hop and graffiti scene. An idea which came to life in a tiny store by three childhood friends in the hood that they grew up in. What started out as a line of clothing for the boys shaped into a brand which has grown into a community.

B.LIST has transpired into a brand with a variety of meanings. But the origin has come from the phrase B -List Celebrities.

The definition of a B-List celebrity or B-Lister is someone who is Well Known Not Yet Famous (W.K.N.Y.F) Someone with the talent, drive or skills to make it big but still the under dog.

We felt that was us in the streetwear scene and in some sense still is.

Although we have expanded into a larger shop out of the hood and started our own printing factory we stay humble to this day. We are firm believers in never forgetting the come up and all those who have supported us on this journey .We remain just as hungry for the hustle as we were from day one.

No matter what, the team at B.List strive to create clothing that is crafted for the hustle and designed for the grind.